CEIU National Convention – Day 3 – Saturday, September 9th, 2023

Day 3 of Convention was called to order at 9 a.m. with the National President calling the Finance Resolutions Committee to continue with their report.


The revised budget for the years 2024, 2025 and 2026 was debated.  More referrals were sent to the Committee, who gathered during break to deal with the referrals.


These referrals were as follows:


  • To increase the equity group line item to $50,000 for each year from $25,000
  • To decrease the postage and express line item from $50,000 to $25,000 for each year
  • To ensure that there was a balanced budget as per the resolution of record


After break, the new revised version was presented and the delegates were then ready to vote on the adoption of the budget.


As a motion had been put on the floor the previous day to have a recorded vote for the adoption of the budget, each delegate went to the mics to cast their vote.


After 40 minutes of voting, the National President announced the results of the vote:  201 in favour, 3 against,14 abstentions and 2 were absent for a total of 220 votes.


The budget was adopted.


After lunch, the audited financial statements for 2021 and 2022 were debated and adopted and the Finance Resolutions Committee was then asked to step down.


The National President called up the By-Laws Resolutions Committee to the stage to present their report.


Delegate Matheson and delegate Morris, the two co-chairs of the By-Laws Resolutions Committee, read the report.

The following resolutions were presented:


  • A-27 – CEIU By-Law-14, Sub-section 14.6 c) & k) – ADOPTED


  • A-75 – Name change for First Nations/Metis/Inuit Equity Group – ADOPTED


The next resolution to be debated was A-63 – Paid leave for NVPs.  Delegates lined up to the mics until the National President asked them to remember their place at the mics to continue with the debate in the morning.


The observers were allowed time to speak and provide comments on the day’s session.


The participants were reminded that the All-Candidates forum would be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.


The 3rd day of Convention ended at 4:30 p.m.

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