Call Centres Committee



The National Standing Call Centres Committee shall:


a)   Advise and make recommendations to the National President, the National Executive Vice-President and the National Executive on all matters related to call centres:


b)   Develop various mechanisms and provide numerous forms of communication to and from members and ensure the timely distribution of information to those concerned:


c)   Develop call centers action plans and the implementation of strategies for the National President, the National Executive Vice-President and the National Executive regarding the following areas:


  • Policy and procedures
  • Legislative changes
  • Health and Safety
  • Working conditions, shift work, training
  • Coalition building
  • Media relations
  • Bargaining demands
  • Any other matters pertaining to call centres


d)  Ensures that the National President and/or the National Executive Vice-President represents the issues of the call centres at National Union-Management Committee meetings and report back to the Committee;


The Committee




(a)       The Composition


  • The Committee is composed of one representative per CEIU region.


  • The Committee includes an additional representative for the IRCC Call Centre.


(b)       An alternate will also be named for each of the regions listed above, who shall replace the representative when they are unavailable to attend a meeting.


(c)        The Chair of the Committee for Call Centres shall be selected or elected by the Committee members, at their first meeting following each CEIU National Convention. 


(d)       The members of the Committee will be appointed by the National President in collaboration with the National Vice-Presidents responsible for the respective regions.




(a)       Meetings of the Committee shall be held at least twice a year, in person or by other means, and shall occur in a timely manner prior to the Union’s National Executive meetings, where possible.


(b)       The National President or the National Executive Vice-President shall report to the National Executive on behalf of the Committee on:


(i)        the Committee’s activities

(ii)        its recommendations; and,

(iii)       other matters when deemed appropriate by the Committee or the National Executive.


(c)        The Chair of the Committee shall send a written report to the National Executive following each meeting of the Committee.


(d)         If a representative of the Committee is unable to attend a meeting, they must, in due time, advise their alternate in order for the alternate to attend the meeting. This will ensure that the region is represented.  The National Office must also be advised of the above.  Failure to attend two (2) meetings, may result in the review of the membership of the representative on the Committee.


(e)        The Committee members shall participate in a one-day training regarding the roles, responsibilities, and mandate of the Committee and this training must be given at the 1st meeting of the Committee at each new term of office.






Felicia Chima

[email protected]

Dean Dolacki


Riley Ellis

[email protected]



Charito Humphreys

[email protected]



Renee Phillips Samuels

[email protected]

Adam Murphy


Renée Amyotte

 [email protected]



Sylvain Pratte

[email protected]


Amy Trottier


Montreal IRCC Call Centre

Mouna Ben Jelloun

[email protected]


Sandra Mercurio


Jessica Power

[email protected]

Nancy Churchill


Wayne Robinson

[email protected]


Liaison :


Sargy Chima, NEVP/VPEN, [email protected]

Brad Stoodley, NUR-RSN [email protected]