CEIU 2019 National Human Rights / Race Relations Conference

The CEIU Human Rights / Race Relations (HRRR) Committee is pleased to announce the CEIU Human Rights / Race Relations Conference to be held September 14 and 15, 2019, at the Fairmont Hotel in Winnipeg.

The HRRR Committee is established using a gender-balanced approach to represent all four (4) of the following equity groups:  First Nations, Métis and Inuit People; Members with Disabilities; Racially Visible Members; and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) groups.  Using gender-parity, each of these equity groups can have as many as eight (8) delegates at the Conference representing the following regions:  Ontario, Quebec, Atlantic and West.

The Conference will be used to serve two main purposes:  to bring members together to develop strategies to improve Human Rights and to elect the next set of members who will sit on the Committee once the current 3-year mandate has expired at the close of CEIU’s 2020 Triennial Convention.

In order to be eligible to apply for delegate status for the Conference, it is necessary to have completed a CEIU Self-Identification form.  If you have completed this form in the past, then feel free to give it to another CEIU member in good standing who might be interested in the work of the HRRR Committee

All delegate expenses will be covered by CEIU. 

All costs for observers to attend are the responsibility of the observer.  CEIU would be pleased to assist observers in preparing travel arrangements and making hotel reservations.


In solidarity,


Eddy Bourque
National President


Crystal Warner
National executive vice-president


Sebastian Rodrigues
National Vice-President - HRRR


Application form