DAY 2: CEIU National Convention – Tuesday, August 17th, 2021

The 2nd day of the 15th CEIU Convention started out with the showing of a video of CEIU’s accomplishments. 

To the singing of Solidarity Forever in the background, the video was played for the delegation.  After its showing, the National President’s words were, “Wow, what a fantastic video.  I hope that everyone enjoyed it as much as I did.”  He continued by thanking CEIU members for their participation and collaboration in helping CEIU achieve these accomplishments as well as thanking all the ones that had worked on the preparation of the video.



After the morning report of the Credential Committee, both Finance Committee co-chairs, Vanessa Sandsmark and Jacques Perrin, were invited by the President to continue with the proposed budget for the years 2022 and 2023.

The delegates adopted three referrals for the Finance Committee as follows:


  • That the budget be referred to the Finance Committee to increase the line item for operating expenses for years 2022 and 2023, to hire, for a 2-year term, a Membership Engagement Officer and that the funds come from the one-time allocation.
  • That the $7,500 equity group line item be increased to $25,000 for the years 2022 and 2023 and that the funds come from the ongoing resolutions line item.
  • That the Finance Committee reconsider the investment income budget line which is currently at $200,000 for the years 2022 and 2023 and that it be reviewed specifically to increase it to 2.5% annually.

The Finance Committee were then asked to step down to allow time for a special presentation of a Life Membership Award.

Delegate John O’Leary, the present President of CEIU Local 10460 provided a summary of Yolande Dostie’s union activism.  She had been a member of that local until her retirement in July 2017 after 30 years of service.  She held the titles of secretary, treasurer, vice-president, and president of her local for more than 10 years and since 1989 until she retired, she was the local’s Health and afety representative.  She has been involved in the union for more than 25 years.

President Bourque presented, on behalf of CEIU, a Life Membership Plaque to Yolande Dostie and thanked her for the many years that she had devoted to the Union.  A true militant who deserved to receive a CEIU Life Membership Award.

After the 45-minute recess, President Bourque introduced the PSAC National President, Chris Aylward, who had been invited to address the participants.

His address touched on the impact of the pandemic on the members’ mental health, and how the health and safety of the members has been the top concern of CEIU and PSAC since the outbreak of COVID-19 in Canada.  He continued with the announcement of the federal government’s intention to require all who work in the federal public service to be vaccinated.  But he added that PSAC, working with CEIU, would demand a say about what happens next to protect the members and our communities as this is rolled out.

The PSAC National President also spoke of this round of PA bargaining, and on the upcoming federal election, being held in the middle of the pandemic, which will set the parameters for what happens after it, which is going to decide whether the gaping inequalities get arrowed or widened, whether we move closer to, or further from Truth and Reconciliation, whether the program for universal child care stops or continues, whether we get Pharmacare, and whether public services are strengthened or weakened.

President Aylward also spoke on the need of addressing inequity in this country which must be a top priority of government; and the PSAC National Board of Directors having in place an ambitious member-focused Anti-Racism Action Plan, where members will be able to assess training, provide input, and help lead the fight against racism in all our workplaces.

He reminded how much CEIU was a progressive, forward-looking component committed to combatting racism and colonialism and to making our union stronger.  And how, CEIU, thanks to its leadership, had stepped up and improved internal organizing, how we represent members through grievances but also by organizing pressure actions to get problems fixed.  And the important work of how we are champions for childcare, pay equity, and employment equity.

President Aylward spoke on the on-going heart-breaking confirmations that thousands of Indigenous children perished at Canada’s residential schools after being stolen from their families and communities.  A reminder of the magnitude of the injustice that we must address.

After his address, President Bourque provided time for the delegates to ask questions or provide comments to the PSAC National President.  At the end of it all, President Bourque presented, on behalf of CEIU, a CEIU convention vest to President Aylward and thanked him for taking time out of his busy schedule to address our delegation.

After the PSAC National President’s address, the Finance Committee co-chairs returned and advised the delegation that they had met during the 45-minute recess to review and discuss the three (3) referrals and that the Committee had agreed that they could accept two (2) of the referrals:  adding a two-year term position of Membership Engagement Officer from the one-time resolution costs and increasing the equity line item to $25,000.

What the Committee could not agree on was the referral regarding the investments.

After some questions, the delegates then voted on accepting the budget as presented.  The budget for 2022-2023 was adopted.

The co-chairs continued with their Committee Report. 

The audited financial statements for 2016 to 2020 were accepted.  The delegates then voted on the Report of the Finance Committee as a whole.

With the Report of the Finance Committee complete, President Bourque invited Fabienne Jean-François, co-chair of the By-Laws Committee, and delegate Trish Martin, a member of the By-Laws Committee to present the Report of the By-Laws Committee.

Time allowed for only one resolution, By-Law resolution A-4A titled Acronym Update, to be voted on.  The By-Laws Committee recommendation of concurrence was adopted by the delegates.

With only a few minutes left to the day, President Bourque asked the By-Laws Committee to step down until the next morning where the delegates will continue to debate resolution A-10 titled CEIU National Convention.

A draw for a $100 Visa card from Coughlin Insurance was drawn, and the winner was Sanjit Dyal.

The 2nd day of convention ended at 4:02 p.m.