Summary of the Oct. 8-11 National Executive Meeting

The National Executive (NE) held their Fall meeting from October 8th to 11th,  2024 at the Westin Hotel in Ottawa.


Prior to the NE meeting, the Finance Committee, and the By-Laws Committee both held their committee meeting on October 6th. This was followed by a meeting of the Service Needs Delivery Committee (SNDC) which is mandated to do a complete review of our service delivery, consisting of the direct service to the membership, including human and financial resources, as well as the services provided to the members through the National Union Representatives (NURs). Recommendations made in this in-camera meeting were brought to the National Executive meeting on October 9th for its approval.


The two (2) recommendations from the SNDC that were brought to the NE table for approval were to create 2 two-year term positions:  HR Generalist and a Convention and Conference Administrative Agent.


The NE also adopted four (4) sets of minutes, as follows:

  • April 30th, 2024
  • June 11th to 14th, 2024
  • June 25th, 2024
  • September 5, 2024


These minutes will be posted on our website shortly. Since these minutes are password protected, please contact the CEIU National Office or your Local Executive for the information needed to access these minutes.


With the National President not in attendance at this meeting due to personal reasons, his Report of the National President was postponed.


Rubina Boucher, the National Executive Vice-President, stepped in to Chair the meeting, with Helen King, the Alternate NEVP by her side.


The Report of the NEVP can be read by clicking here.


The following recommendations from the Finance Committee were adopted by the National Executive:


  • To increase the Ad hoc Committee budget line to $100,000.
  • To increase the software budget line to $90,000.
  • To increase the transportation budget line to $120,000.
  • To increase the staffing processes budget line to $30,000.
  • To increase the insurance and bonding budget line to $130,000.
  • To increase the promo and advertising budget line to $100,000.
  • To increase the interpreters budget line to $90,000 and that the translation and translation equipment be increased to $60,000
  • To increase the rent for the Moncton Office to $36,300, and for the Mississauga Office to $81,100.


The following recommendation from the By-Laws Committee was adopted by the NE:


  • That the By-Laws Committee hold an in-person meeting a day earlier when in Montreal for the Bargaining Conference, or when in St. John’s for the Health and Safety Conference to work on the draft CEIU Travel Policy; and
  • That the Committee hold the number of zoom meetings necessary to work on finalizing the draft CEIU Travel Policy in order to be presented at the February 2025 NE meeting for approval by the NE.


The meeting adjourned at noon on Friday, October 11th.  The remaining agenda items will be discussed at a virtual zoom call of the National Executive within the next month.  A summary of that meeting will also be provided.


The minutes of the October 2024 NE meeting will be adopted at the February 2025 NE meeting and once approved, will be posted on the CEIU website.


For any questions on the National Executive, please contact the CEIU National Office by email at [email protected]



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  • Matthew Brett
    published this page in News 2024-10-22 15:17:18 -0400