As part of Service Canada's Transformation agenda, ESDC is revising Job Descriptions (JD) to ensure that the work of CEIU members accurately reflects what they do. For this exercise, ESDC decided to include unions.
There has already been such an exercise for project management positions. ESDC is now moving to another position, the Team Leaders. Without elaborating too much on all the details, management would already have informed some team leaders about this. These people were chosen by CEIU. National Vice-presidents would have contacted these selected team leaders to get their comments and suggestions about their JD. This will be returned to ESDC for management to review all comments and finalize the JD. An ESDC Classification Assessment Committee will assess the classification of the final JD. Ultimately when the JD is approved by senior management, the team leaders will receive a revised JD.
This whole process will take a few months. CEIU invites selected team leaders to actively participate in this exercise.