National Women's Committee
There are two CEIU NVP's for Women. Carolyn Locke, covering the Eastern Regions and Lynda MacLellan representing the Western Regions.
The Chair of each of the Regional Women's Committee sits on the National Women's Committee, co-chaired by the two CEIU NVP's for Women's Priorities.
The National Women's Committee is governed by CEIU Regulation No.23.
Our Mandate is listed below (Taken from our Terms of Reference).
The National Women’s Committee shall:
a) Assist the National Vice-Presidents for Women with the establishment of Regional Women’s Committees;
b) Explore, develop and review initiatives directed to promote and support the rights of women;
c) Review policies of the Union and Departments;
d) Represent and respond to concerns relating to women’s priorities;
e) Monitor and evaluate the progress of the Canada Employment and Immigration Union as a union and as an employer on women’s priorities;
f) Make recommendations to the National Executive and provide resolutions to Convention on all of the above.
g) Encourage the increased participation of women at all levels of the union by promoting women’s conferences, training, and activities, and
by ensuring accountability for the fair and equitable representation of women at all union activities;
h)Be responsible for reviewing bargaining demands and Convention resolutions dealing with women’s priorities;
i) Participate in any campaign and/or activities related to items a) to h) undertaken by the National Executive;
j) This Committee is also responsible for:
(i) Women's education and development
(ii) Selection of delegates to the National Women’s conferences
(iii) Increasing awareness of National Women’s committees and its priorities
National women's conference
Every three years, the National Women’s committee organize a national conference to discuss women’s priorities in and out of the workplace.
Here are the booklets they produced during the previous edition:
Now, More Than Ever - CEIU 2021 National Women's Conference
Join the CEIU Women's group on Facebook Virtual
Region |
Representatives |
Alternates |
Ruby Brar |
Kelly Megyesi |
Alberta/NWT/Nunavut |
Tania Fikus |
Nawel Zaied |
Manitoba/Saskatchewan |
Angie Conklin |
Ashley Sullivan |
Ontario |
Karen Spencer-Cousins |
Natalie Dirksen |
Québec |
Fedna Abdonis-Mayrand |
Maria Elisa Ortiz Osio |
Michelle Gallivan |
Kelly Blackwood |
N.B./PEI |
Sandy Strongman |
Sandy Morrison |
Liaison : Lynda MacLellan, National Vice-President, Women’s Issues: [email protected] Carolyn Locke, National Vice-President, Women’s Issues: [email protected] Rubina Boucher, National President, CEIU: [email protected] Nicole Bernard, Administrative Assistant, National Office: [email protected] |