Update on SMSM-1102 (PSDC CR-04) Grievances at Service Canada (EDSC) – June 2021

Since the last update was posted on our site in December 2020, CEIU has held three meetings with the ESDC Labour Relations team on May 19 and June 21 and on April 7, 2021, to monitor the file processing. Here are the highlights of these meetings:    


- For current incumbents who have held, since September 13, 2018 or later, a position involving pension or integrity operations, and to whom the new Program Services Officer (PM-01) job description applies, whose salaries have not yet been adjusted from CR-04 to PM-01 and who had not filed a grievance, the department is continuing to process the completed files. Out of the 948 files received, 901 have received their salary adjustments and 884 their retroactive payments. Compensation is processing the remaining files.


- On June 18, 2021, 9 individuals had still not replied whether they intend to claim a tax exemption. To avoid holding up your files, we recommend that the relevant members reply as quickly as possible to the department as soon as a decision is made.


- For current incumbents who have held, since September 13, 2018, a position to which the Program Services Officer (PM-01) (pension or integrity operations) job description applies. Incumbents who have filed a grievance. For 83 of the 85 completed files sent to Compensation, 80 of them have received their salary adjustments and retroactive payments. Finally, EDSC is processing the remaining files.  


- For members who filed grievances regarding the job description of their PSDC position between 2008 and September 13, 2018, but who left their position before September 13, 2018. We are talking about approximately 419 individuals. Compensation has received 354 completed files to process, and 226 individuals have received retroactive payments. At the same time, ESDC is completing the signing process for 12 other files, and they are awaiting 18 responses from complainants in other files. For the remaining of the files to be processed, ESDC continues to send the documentation to the relevant individuals. Finally, ESDC is in contact with the families to process the 18 or so inheritance files (members who are deceased).


- ESDC and Compensation have changed their goal of finalizing the vast majority of remaining cases and at the same time making payments by June 30, 2021 to by the end of 2021. The main reason for this additional delay is that the processing of reclassification payments is no longer carried out by Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) since April 1, 2021, but rather by ESDC, which has assumed this responsibility since that date. To do this ESDC had to set up a treatment team. All this caused unpredictable delays.


- We recommend that members who receive payments to not immediately contact Compensation to obtain a breakdown of the amounts received as they will receive consulting services on compensation in 2021. In this way, Compensation employees can continue to work to pay the remaining members. In addition, for retired members, it is necessary to highlight that Compensation will forward information on payments to the Federal Pension Centre so that members’ pensions are adjusted accordingly. It is consequently not necessary to contact the Pension Centre as this will be done automatically. As soon as the adjustments are carried out, the Pension Centre will inform the relevant members in writing. We are awaiting the delay that is necessary for the processing of these files and we will keep you informed with a new update in September 2021.


- We will continue to monitor the progress of the file processing with the ESDC Labour Relations team and will keep you informed.


- With respect to the policy grievance filed on March 29, 2019 to denounce the employer’s decision not to consider all members who carried out Pension and Integrity related operations as Program Services Officer (PM-01), we are still awaiting a hearing date with Treasury Board in spite of our follow-up attempts. We will keep you informed regarding the next steps.



Please continue to check the CEIU website for more updates.