On March 21st, 2019, CEIU sent Locals throughout the country an update on the SMSM-1102 file, including documents for the members. We invite the members to contact their local union officers for further information.
The following are the highlights of that update: CEIU does not recommend that members working for Integrity or Pensions file new job description and/or classification grievances because we agree with the content of the two new job descriptions presented on February 22nd, 2019 and the classification of each. These are the job descriptions of the Program Services Officer (PM-01) and of the Program Support Delivery Clerk (CR-04).
Impacts of the employer’s decisions
Present incumbents of positions related to that of Program Services Officer (PM‑01) will be eligible for retroactive pay as of their appointment date.
Members who have filed grievances between 2008 and September 13th, 2018 will receive retroactive pay for periods where they worked as Program Services Officer. This includes those who were promoted or left the position during the period because they have retired or for other reasons.
CEIU is working with the employer to confirm the list of members who have filed grievances. A first list was sent to the Locals on March 22nd, 2019. We invite members to contact their local union officers in order to check whether their names are on the list. CEIU has obtained from the employer an extension of the time limit to April 30th, 2019 to enable members to consult the grievance list and inform us if their name is not on the list and they are convinced that they have filed a grievance in the past.
With respect to the fact that the employer does not intend to provide retroactive pay to members who did not file a grievance and permanently left their positions before September 13th, 2018 (date when the new job description was signed by management), CEIU called on the PSAC Representation Section as planned, because CEIU disagrees with this decision and has made it known to the employer as early as the in-camera meeting of February 18th, 2019.
The recourse chosen to challenge the employer’s decision to exclude the members in question is the application for judicial review to the Federal Court. This application was filed on March 15th, 2019.
The option of filing grievances was rejected because it is not the best approach in this type of dispute. The application for judicial review to the Federal Court applies to members still working for the public service and those who left it because they retired or for other reasons.
CEIU is meeting with management regularly to deal concurrently with several issues, including the date on which the salaries of present incumbents of the CR‑04 and PM-01 positions will be adjusted. This salary action is CEIU’s top priority. Later, retroactive payments will be prioritized. Service Canada and CEIU have the same list of priorities.
In closing, please continue to check the CEIU website for new updates on the issue.