CEIU National Scholarships


As per the Canada Employment and Immigration Union (CEIU) Policy 31, we are pleased to offer up to five (5) $5,000.00 National Scholarships to CEIU members in good standing, their spouse, their common-law spouse (including same sex partners) and/or their dependant(s).


For this second callout, the scholarships will be offered and ranked in the following order:


        1. Four (4) equity scholarships


One (1) for each of the following equity groups as listed in CEIU National By-Law 15:


  • First Nations/Métis/Inuit
  • Members with Disabilities
  • LGBTQ2+, including non-binary members
  • Racially Visible


   2. One (1) scholarship to a woman from any of the above four (4) equity groups.


These scholarships will be awarded on a merit basis.


Please read the CEIU Policy 31 and the Scholarship Application Instructions sheet with application form by clicking on this < link >.


Please note that the application forms must be received at the CEIU National Office by December 9th, 2022