The first day of the rescheduled September 2020 CEIU National Convention started off with a powerful Aboriginal Opening. This was followed by the CEIU National President, Eddy Bourque acknowledging the land on which he was gathering everyone as the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe People.
The delegates, observers, guests, and some of CEIU’s staff in attendance were officially welcomed to the 15th CEIU National Triennial Convention, which included 65 first time delegates, and which was the very first CEIU Convention to be held virtual instead of in-person due to the COVID pandemic.
The National President provided a welcoming message to the participants encouraging the delegates to not shy away from going to the microphone during the debates.
He took the time to thank both Travis Lahnalampi and Sargy Chima who had dedicated and devoted long hours of their time as members of the PA negotiation team for the last round of bargaining.
The members of the National Executive, as well as guests, were introduced. Previous members of the National Executive during the 2017 to 2020 (2021) term were also thanked by the National President.
Delegate Lyne Cartier read the Anti-Harassment Statement and delegate Sebastian Rodrigues read the CEIU Statement on Unjust Profiling.
The members of the Credentials Committee, both delegate Paula Woodcock and delegate Jodi MacPherson were introduced and provided the 1st Credential Committee Report to Convention.
The Rules of Order, the agenda and the hours of session were adopted, as well as the convention committees’ appointments were ratified by the delegates.
The delegation observed a moment of silence for all trade unionists that have lost their lives since the last CEIU Convention, as well as for those that had lost loves ones or friends during the pandemic.
Not forgotten for this moment of silence where the many Indigenous children from the unmarked graves discovered across Canada from the residential schools as well as the people that have lost their lives to senseless tragedies.
A PowerPoint presentation, listing the names of CEIU members and staff that have passed, were projected on screen during the moment of silence.
President Bourque went on to provide a summary of his written National President Report to Convention, inviting everyone to read his full report as well as previous reports prepared for every National Executive meeting, and which are available on the CEIU website at
The Report of the National President to the 2021 CEIU Convention can be found by clicking on this link, you can also read the following: Addendum Mental Health Committee, and Mental Health Syrvey Results.
His presentation was followed by questions from the delegates before the 45 minutes recess.
After recess, the National President invited the National Executive Vice-President, Crystal Warner to provide a summary of her written Report of the NEVP to Convention. Her presentation was also followed by questions from the delegates.
The Report of the National Executive Vice-President to the 2021 CEIU Convention can be found by clicking on this link.
The delegates adopted both reports as well as adopted the Elections Committee consisting of Jeannette Meunier-McKay as the Nominations and Elections Chairperson, and both Farid Tourkmani and Dhaval Shah, as the two bona fide members who will assist the Chairperson during elections for the next two-year term.
The National President thanked the previous Nominations and Elections Chairperson, Jacques Lambert, for his service during the last six (6) years.
Jeannette Meunier-McKay provided her Report of the Nominations and Elections Chairperson which included the list of candidates for which she had received nominations.
The candidates, in alphabetical order, by position sought, are as follows:
- Eddy Bourque, for the position of National President
- Fabienne Jean-François, for the position of National President
- Todd Johnson, for the position of National President
- Linda Delaney, for the position of NEVP
- Todd Johnson, for the position of NEVP
- Lisa Prescott, for the position of NEVP
- Crystal Warner, for the position of NEVP
- Chris Gardiner, for the position of Alternate NEVP
- Todd Johnson, for the position of Alternate NEVP
The Finance Committee co-chairs, Vanessa Sandsmark and Jacques Perrin started with their presentation of the Report of the Finance Committee and provided details on the 2022-2023 Budget. To be continued on Day 2.
The observers were provided the chance to go to the microphone to provide comments.
Members that have self-identified with CEIU were invited to a Human Rights Caucus held after the hours of session.
The 1st day of the 2021 CEIU Convention finished at 4:00 p.m.