Since the last update was posted on our site in May 2020, CEIU has held two meetings with the ESDC Labour Relations team on May 28 and July 2, 2020, to monitor how the public health situation is affecting file processing. Here are the highlights of these meetings:
-Labour Relations can handle more cases now, but is still not at 100% capacity as many employees are still working from home.
-For incumbents who have held, since September 13, 2018, or later, a position involving pension or integrity operations, and to whom the new Program Services Officer (PM-01) job description applies, whose salaries have not yet been adjusted from CR-04 to PM-01 and who had not filed a grievance, Compensation resumed work on June 19, 2020. Files that were ready for processing will be processed in the upcoming pay periods. CEIU will be receiving an update on the number of outstanding cases and will follow up with ESDC Labour Relations to see how they are progressing. We are aware that processing has been slower as a result of the pandemic, but we also recognize that members who have been working day in and day out must be properly compensated.
-For current incumbents who have held, as of September 13, 2018, a position to which the Program Services Officer (PM-01) (pension or integrity operations) job description applies and who had filed a grievance, Compensation will be processing the 58 files it has already received from the July 8 pay onward. As for the 27 other files, ESDC still has some work to do before they can be sent to Compensation.
-For members who filed grievances regarding the job description of their PSDC position between 2008 and September 13, 2018, but who left their position before September 13, 2018, ESDC had expected to complete the documentation and send it to the relevant persons by March 31, 2020. The target has now been moved to September 30, 2020. Although many letters were sent to members in Ontario and the West before the pandemic, none were sent to members in the Maritimes and Quebec. ESDC has just resumed mailings. It plans to start with 10 to 20 mailings per week and to increase that number significantly in the coming weeks. Despite the current circumstances, ESDC is currently maintaining its goal to finalize retroactive payments by December 31, 2020, provided that all required documents are duly completed, signed and returned in a timely manner.
-CEIU and ESDC Labour Relations have agreed to meet again no later than August to discuss how things are progressing. We will keep you informed.
Please continue to check the CEIU website for more updates.